Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Lovely Me:ex - Magic Pink Powder Mask Review

Hello :)

Today’s post will be a review of a product I recently purchased from It’s called the Lovely Me:ex – Magic Pink Powder Mask (in Blue)

As you might know I am a sucker for any skin product that contains salicylic acid, which has helped me tremendously with my mild acne and this mask contains that as well as calamine and other ingredients that promise “…a flawless solution in easing skin problems and provides care for troubled skin areas by softening flaky, dead skin cells”. 

Product description:

The Me:ex – Magic Powder Mask comes in a container shaped like a little kid’s face, which has to be the cutest packaging ever! The box it came in also has the same design on the front and something written in Korean… I can’t read it, but I’m sure it says lovely things hehe

For those of you who don’t understand Korean, the box has instructions in English on the side. Overall, you get a warm, fuzzy feeling just by looking at the packaging, let alone experiencing the magic inside :P


The texture of the mask itself is very unique. I wouldn’t exactly describe it as powder (even though the product name contains the word); it’s more of a gel meets cream texture… Even though it dries completely to a powdery substance while you have it on, it kind of looks like sorbet ice cream in its container ;P 

And it smells like ice cream too!

Here is a close up where you can better see the color and the texture of the mask

The product description also states that you should apply this mask after applying toner. I am not the biggest fan of using facial masks after applying skin care products so I just skipped that step. I am pleased to report that my skin did not react badly to this decision – and I have pretty sensitive skin so it was a bit of a risk :S

Product Performance:

Like I mentioned before, the mask dries completely within 10-15 minutes and then you’re supposed to rinse off with lukewarm water and carry on with your regular skin care routine. To be honest with you, I pretty much expected the best from this mask (because of the salicylic acid) and I got what I wanted: my skin tone looked even, smooth, the redness was gone and I looked like I had just woken up from my beauty sleep. It didn’t irritate my skin in any way and I have to say that this is the most soothing face mask I currently own; from beginning to the end, all it does even after I remove it is sooth my skin and make it velvet soft as well as hydrated :)


Product packaging: cutest, most fun thing EVER

Product performance: AWESOME. Great for people with sensitive, flaky, dry skin or anyone who wants a good product that delivers but doesn’t irritate. has this product listed as 13.38 euro (or $18), which is a bit pricy but totally worth the investment. 

 ✔ Always test the products on a small surface beforehand, just to be on the safe side of things ;)

Let me know if you try this out and what your thoughts are in the comment section below!!!



  1. works even for sensitive skin? I'll definitely get this along with the ghasoul one. thanks for the review ^^

  2. I just bought it yesterday and I have a super sensitive skin.
    I am taking a big risk but if you said that it doesn't bother your skin so I will try :)
    thanks. this is so helpful <3

    1. Hope it works well for you!!! I have very sensitive skin as well and it was really good for me ;)
