Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Some decorating ideas...

Hello all!

I recently went to an arts and crafts store to look around and I was really inspired by the lovely items available. So here are some ideas to decorate your desk, your room or any other area and add a nice vintage touch to it that is also perfect for spring. These types of items are also very pleasing to the eye in my opinion, so to help myself relax while working on the computer, I bought things that I placed around my desk area. 

First of all, I bought these plastic decorative flowers that are meant for creating necklaces and the like, but I used super glue on them instead and decorated some candles with them...

And here are the candles fully decorated :) The left one is jasmine-scented and the right one vanilla.

I also found this lovely box to store various office items, like post-its, pens, markers etc and I really liked the retro feel it had 

I've been in a very romantic mood lately and these cute notebooks were too awesome to resist. I have a thing for nicely made notebooks and even if I don't end up using them for anything, they still make very pretty decorative pieces for your desk/office area... 

Last but not least, I picked up this small lantern that also has a rusty look to it.

I thought I would place it on my balcony but I figured it does a better job holding the notebooks up :P I love how the colors all match together - soft gold, brown, beige and copper tones really give off a soothing sensation and the smell from the scented candles just tops it off! 

So, hopefully this small article gave you some ideas if you were looking into the whole retro-vintage look for an area in your house :) Either way, I hope you enjoyed it!
